About the municipality

  • Pupulation: 6.300
  • Area: 212 km2
  • Telephone: (+34) 985 848 043
  • E-mail: cangasdeonis@cangasdeonis.com
  • Local Council address: Av. Covadonga, 21, 33550 Cangas de Onís (Asturias)


Primary school
Secondary school
Nursery school (0 – 3 years)
Healthcare centre / Medical practice
Bank branch / ATMs
Local shops
Petrol station
Casa de Cultura (Arts & Community Centre)
Library / Reading room
Sports facilities
Post office
(SDTL) Local technological promotion services

Other services: court, tax office, social security facilities.

Car rental
Bike & Rollerblade rental
Campervan and Motorhome stopover

More facilities: Taxitur (Taxi Cooperative)
How to get to the municipality:
– Coastal route: A-8 Avilés-Gijón-Ribadesella/N -634 Ribadesella-Arriondas/N-625 Arriondas-Cangas de Onís
– Inland route: N-634 Oviedo-Arriondas/N-625 Arriondas-Cangas de Onís
– Inland route (Picos de Europa): AS-114 Cabrales Arenas-Cangas de Onís

Internet connectivity
Optic fibre
5G mobile connection

Good fiber internet connection in the capital and the village of San Martín de Lodón. Fibre optic extension is underway in several rural areas.

Coworking facilities
Telework facilities
Business incubators
Business centres
Rural houses
Rental housing
Public rental housing

In addition: flats, guesthouses, holiday homes, tourist homes and mountain huts.

Hiking trails
Recreational areas
Green spaces and forests
Protected natural areas Picos de Europa National Park, Sella river
Lowest point of the Municipality: 87 m above sea level

Highest point of the Municipality: 2,479 m above sea level

Trail running, hiking, canoeing, cycling, tennis, volleyball, climbing, canyoning, football, boxing, athletics, badminton, basketball, etc.

Numerous companies offering active tourism and risk sports in the heart of nature. Sella river descent, canyoning, horseback riding, sport fishing, rafting, quad and buggy routes, rafting, etc…


Olla de San Vicente/Dobra river trail: 2 km

Muñigo-Covadonga nature trail: 1.6 km

King Favila historic trail: 6.7 km

Mofrechu peak trail: 13 km

El Arbolín peak trail: 13 km

La Cruz de Priena trail: 7.5 km

Cangas de Onís cultural trail: 4 km

Municipality of Cangas de Onís trail
(cultural trail): different distances

Dobra river trail: 7.5 km

Gamoneu cheese trail: 10 km

GR-109 MTB trail: 33.5 km

Següencu viewpoint MTB trail: 10 km

Nieda, Narciandi and Cabielles trail: 8 km

Sella and Güeña riverbanks MTB trail: 14 km

Lagos de Covadonga MTB trail: 36 km

Swimming pools
Spa / Thermal Waters
Security level: No data
Noise pollution level: No data
Light pollution level No data
Traffic level: No data
Air quality index (AQI): No data
Asturian cuisine is highly regarded throughout Spain, and the food scene in Cangas de Onís is considered a prime example of excellent gastronomy in Asturias. Our municipality boasts several key factors that contribute to this, including an abundance of high-quality raw materials, a wide variety of culinary options, and a high level of tourism demand. As a result, Cangas de Onís has become a hub of continuous culinary experimentation and innovation. Meat (especially “carne roxa asturiana”) is particularly appreciated, and there is a wide variety of fish, vegetables and above all cheeses, an outstanding chapter in local gastronomy, such as Cabrales, Beyos, and the most Canguese of all, Gamonéu.

Gastronomy: https://turismocangasdeonis.com/folletos/gastronomia.pdf

Roman Bridge

Capilla de Santa Cruz (Holy Cross Chapel)

Aula del Reino de Asturias (Hall of the Kingdom of Asturias)

Church of Cangas de Onís

“Pintu” Palace

Palaces and mansions

Church of Abamia

Real Sitio de Covadonga (Royal Site of Covadonga)


Cangas de Onís enjoys its fiestas and festivals like no other. The streets of the town and villages are filled with enthusiastic people ready to enjoy the company, the music, the Asturian gastronomy and the tradition.
There are many important dates, but the most significant is June 13th, San Antonio’s Day, patron saint of Cangas de Onís, when everyone takes to the streets in their regional costumes. Bagpipes, rockets, giants and bigheads, orchestras, fireworks, the popular picnic at “La Jira”… “San Antoniu” festivities. Other significant dates in the region include the Shepherd’s Festival (Día del Pastor), which is celebrated on July 25th. Another important event is the “Astures, Pelayo Nuestro Rey” weekend, which commemorates the heroic feat of Pelayo and the Astures. Additionally, the Fisherman’s Festival is held to honor the people living along the Sella river, and it includes a fishing competition. The auction of the “Campanu” of the Sella (the first salmon fished in the river at the beginning of the season) and the cheese fair in October are other important events
Residents’, cultural and sport associations

The royal bearing of its capital, as befits what was the cradle of the Reconquest and the first city and court of the Asturian Monarchy, the first in the Iberian Peninsula The mythical Roman Bridgewith its hangingVictoria Cross and one of the most photographed monuments in Asturias is the symbol of the lively capital of Cangas de Onís, where there is no shortage of gastronomy, interesting gastronomic shops and a Sunday market where you can buy the tastiest produce from the market gardens and the best cheeses from Picos de Europa

Cangas de Onís, one of the gateways to the Picos de Europa, saw the birth of the Montaña de Covadonga National Park, today the Picos de Europa National Park, and is home to the Royal Site of Covadonga and the Enol and Ercina lakes, with their landscape of peaks and pastures, and with the almost ‘lunar’ appearance of the old iron mines of Buferrera or the spectacular view of the Vega de Comella, witness to the geological wealth of this area. A land of passage to the plateau, of shepherding and livestock, of cheese, of mountaineers and climbers, of salmon fishermen, of riverside dwellers, of the cult of rivers such as the Sella, the Güeña or the Dobra…