About the municipality

  • Population: 4.800

  • Area: 227 km2

  • Telephone: (+34) 985 830 004

  • E-mail: oficinasgenerales@ayto-salas.es

  • Local Council address: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, nº 2, 33860 Salas (Asturias)


Primary school
Secondary school
Nursery school (0 – 3 years)
Healthcare centre / Medical practice
Bank branch / ATMs
Local shops
Petrol station
Casa de Cultura (Arts & Community Centre)
Library / Reading room
Sports facilities
Post office (SDTL)
Local technological promotion services
Car rental
Bike & Rollerblade rental
Campervan and Motorhome stopover
How to get to the municipality: by the N-634 road
Internet connectivity
Optic fibre
5G mobile connection
Coworking facilities
Telework facilities
Business incubators
Business centres
Rural houses
Rental housing
Public rental housing
Hiking trails
Recreational areas El Viso, La Rodriga, Mallecina, La Llera
Green spaces and forests
Protected natural areas La Molina peatland, Narcea river, Salas yew tree
Lowest point of the Municipality: 32 m above sea level

Highest point of the Municipality: 923 m above sea level

Hiking, cycling, trail, football, shooting, autocross, karting, swimming (summer season).

– Red Ciclo-Senderista de Salas (Salas pedestrian and cyclists trail network) 160 km
– Primitive Way of St. James / Camino de Santiago through Salas: 25 km
– Salmon Trail: 11.5 km
– “Salas desde la Trinchera” (route along the Spanish Civil War remains in Salas, such as bunkers and trenches) 5 km
– Pico Aguion route: 11 km
– Route of the Indianos (Malleza): 5 km
– Route of the vaqueiros: 15.5 km
– Pedestrians and cyclists routes: https://www.ayto-salas.es/en/ruta-ciclo-senderista

Swimming pools
Spa / Thermal Waters
Security level: no data
Noise pollution level no data
Light pollution level no data
Traffic level: no data
Air quality index (AQI): no data

Salas offers a gastronomic diversity that is hard to match. Its riverside area is home to various types of fish, such as trout, sea trout, and the highly sought-after salmon. The meadows and orchards of this place produce top-quality ingredients like “arbeyos” (peas), “berzas” (collard greens), and the prestigious “fabas de la granja” (PGI beans). These ingredients are used to make delicious dishes such as “arbeyos” with ham, “pote asturiano” (traditional stew), and “fabada” (Asturian bean stew packed with chorizo, blood sausage, and pork belly). On the other hand, the mountains and highlands are the source of “carne roxa” (PDO), game, and tasty charcuterie. As a delightful dessert choice, there’s nothing quite like savouring the exclusive Afuega’l Pitu PDO cheese alongside traditional “bollinas” (pastries) and the renowned “carajitos”. These hazelnut sweets, introduced to the town by José Fernández, affectionately known as “The Professor”, back in the 1920s, have since become cherished symbols of the municipality’s confectionery expertise.

no data

Monastery of San Salvador de Cornellana

Medieval tower of Salas

Valdés-Salas Palace

Collegiate Church of Salas

Corugedo Palace

San Martín de Salas Pre-Romanesque Didactic Classroom Museum

Medieval Fair

Salmon Fair

Cheese Fair

Home-made cider competition

Conciertos de Asturias en Red (live music)

“Asturiana de los Valles” Beef Cattle Competition – Exhibition

Concursu de Sidra Casera de Salas (cider competition)

Feria de las Ovejas (sheep fair)

Gran Feria de Covadonga (bovine and equine livestock fair, agricultural machinery, agri-foodstuffs and handicrafts)


Parent’s (AMPAS), cultural, residents’, youth, sports, business and social associations.

no data

The municipality of Salas is recognized as the entrance to western Asturias, and also as a stop on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. Its capital is one of the most well-preserved medieval towns in Asturias, and visitors are also treated to the famous “Carajitos del Profesor” sweets. The municipality is famous for its ancient fortresses, grandiose mansions, and unique “Indiano” style architecture. That’s Salas.

Salas, a stage on the Primitive Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago de Compostela, a crossroads, a land of salmon – those found in the Esva and Narcea rivers -. Its capital, Salas, is one of the best preserved medieval towns in Asturias, where you can still breathe the air of that time that gave birth to characters such as Fernando de Valdés Salas, Inquisitor and Founder of the University of Oviedo. The Collegiate Church of Santa María La Mayor (16th century) stands out in the capital, inside which is the Mausoleum of D. Fernando Valdés-Salas. The Medieval Tower (14th century) houses the Pre-Romanesque Museum of San Martín with its valuable collection of pieces and epigraphic tombstones (10th century) from the Church of San Martín. Annexed to the tower is the Valdés-Salas Palace (16TH CENTURY). The famous sweets known as “Carajitos del Profesor”, its “afuega’l pitu” cheeses and its garden produce are highly coveted. Salas has emblematic villages such as Cornellana, the salmon farming capital of Asturias and a strategic point on the Way of St. James, where the Cistercian Monastery of San Salvador (11th century), a National Historic and Artistic Monument that belonged to the Cluny order, is located. Not forgetting another medieval fortress in the area, such as the Tower of the Palace of Coruguedo in Doriga (14th-16th century).

The church of San Esteban de Las Dorigas, with interesting Romanesque paintings. Malleza, known as “Little Havana” and Mallecina, where you can see an extraordinary group of houses of Indian architecture, very well preserved. Láneo, a beautiful village located on the banks of the Narcea River; it has a magnificent collection of granaries, bread baskets and palatial houses; today there are still two tobacco drying sheds, as tobacco plants were cultivated in the parish until the 1990s. The “brañas vaqueiras” of Salas stand out for their spectacular surroundings and the simplicity of their constructions, blending perfectly into the landscape. Cerezal, Gallinero de Arniz, Vegacebrón and Faedo in the north; Las Gallinas, Buscabrero, Brañaivente (uninhabited), Brañasivil in the west. El Pevidal and Buspol, in the south, are the most significant brañas among others in the council.