
Here you will find current multimedia content


Here you will find current multimedia content

  • logoASTanuncio-pie-_2_-_1_


ADC Provides guide and interpreter services of the territory for visitors and potential future residents in Asturias, either temporarily or permanently. I provide private accompaniment to people or family groups (individuals or groups?) who wish to know, not only the tourist resources of the region, but also the [...]

  • Unico-Demanda-Rural

Unico Demanda Rural

The Único Demanda Rural plan bring connectivity with a speed of 100 megabytes per second to remote and sparsely populated areas. The Principality enables an interactive map that allows citizens to search for and locate the areas in which any inhabitant, municipality, SME, self-employed person or non-profit organization [...]

  • Mapa-de-Conectividad-del-Principado-de-Asturias-portada

Connectivity Map

SITPA-IDEAS adds to its offer of geoservices a new cartographic viewer with data of Mobile telephony connectivity in the Asturian territory. The data was collected during a 16-week Drive Test on more than 6,300 km of roads, taking data from mobile coverage, as well as from other services [...]

  • GrupoFidelitas-ing

Fidelitas Group

Did you know that by changing your tax residence to Spain, you can benefit from significant tax savings over the next 5 years, thanks to the new Startups law? At Grupo Fidelitas, we have first-hand knowledge of the advantages of living and working in Asturias, and we offer a [...]

  • Visa para nómadas digitales

Spain, Entrepreneurial Nation

The new regulatory framework, with the Startups Law as a pioneering regulation at European level, is a revolution for talent, investment and the public sector in Spain.